Welcome Message
Our school, and all the schools in our District, work hard to create positive learning environments that focus on student achievement (both academic and social). Our schools strive to educate, empower, and inspire all students today and every day so they can be successful, even beyond their school years. At Wilson Middle School, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of academic and elective classes as well as a multitude of programs, clubs, and activities that meet the needs and interests of ALL students.
At Wilson we are helping our students develop GROWTH MINDSETS. We want to inspire our students to believe that hard work can pay off. Instead of saying things like “I can’t do that” or “I don’t know that,” we would rather they say, “I can’t do that YET” or “I can learn this with hard work.” We want students to know, and truly believe, that they are capable of anything if they are willing to put forth the required effort. We also want them to know that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. (Mistakes do not make us failures, they make us smarter!)
As a staff, we are working hard to implement effective Professional Learning Communities, where teachers collaborate with their peers about best practices (teaching strategies), data results/use, assessments, and academic standards, always keeping student growth and achievement in the forefront of our efforts.
We look forward to another great school year here at Wilson Middle School!